Children - A Precious Gift of God - Save Our Children
April is Child Abuse Prevention Month
When I was a child, I learned many lessons that I didn't understand at that time. However, as an adult, I've reflected on those lessons and now I understand. I now understand why my mother said, "Don't let anyone in this house when I'm not home." She wanted to ensure my safety. I also understand why my mother said, "Eat your dinner before dessert." She wanted to ensure that I ate the healthy nutrients needed before crashing on desserts. I also understand why my mother said, "Everyone is not your friend." She wanted to ensure my well-being. She said those wise words because she loved me. Whether your parents were loving or abusive, know that God kept you to tell your story and help others.
Children are precious gifts of God. They are to be loved, nurtured, and respected. If you abuse them, you will have hell to pay. Isn't it sad that children are at the hands of much abuse in this world? Some people are so "mean-spirited" towards children. Through learned behavior, some people speak harshly to children, misuse them, beat them, mistreat them, neglect them, cause them to suffer and even kill them. All of which are against the grain of why God gave us children. Child abuse has become an epidemic that weighs heavily on my heart.
We were all children at one time. Whether you were beaten, mistreated, neglected, molested, or degraded, please STOP and think about how you felt during those tribulations. Why would you want to do so to another child? In the words of the late Maya Angelou, “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
Everyone will be held accountable for how he/she treats children. Don't treat a child indifferently, if you wouldn't want someone to treat your child indifferently. What you do to a child today will be done to you or yours in kind. Children DO GROW UP. Children WON'T FORGET the people in their lives who mistreated them. If the person were a parent, pastor, teacher, neighbor, relative, caretaker, etc. the child will remember the deed.
How sad it is that the people who children may look up to are the people who often hurt them. Poor parenting may be due to sheer ignorance. We do to our children what was done to us as children. I am not the perfect parent; and I don't stand in judgment of anyone. However, I've learned and reasoned over the years. I was sometimes ignorant to the appropriate parenting methods.
But, I have learned to lean toward the understanding of Christ. I prayed and asked God to help me be a parent in whom He would be pleased. I continue to pray that prayer today for my children and grandchildren. There is something called "reasoning." If it hurt you, why would you want to hurt your child in the same manner? You can correct the wrong that may have been done to you. Do you whip a child, a toddler (while potty training), for wetting his/her clothing? Do you whip a child for wetting the bed? Do you whip a child for getting a bad report card? Do you whip a child for breaking a glass or dish? Should you instill fear and nervousness in children? The answer to all of the above is "no."
Why are some children so violent today? Some of our children are "out of control" today because the adults around them may be "out of control." Take a look at the adults around them. How are they living? What is taught or not taught in the home?
Let me share a true story:
Someone helped a family by paying for a child to attend a school event. The mother of the child had been rude and very disagreeable towards the person months prior. However, the person helped the child because there was a need. Sometimes, we have to look beyond the fault of parents, to help children in need.
"For all of the children whose lives you may touch, make their memories positive." Pray over your children. Ask for God's anointed blessings and protection for the children.
Read the following stastical report on child abuse;
©2015 Written by Vanady A. Daniels
Resource For National Child Abuse Prevention:
Resource For National Child Abuse Prevention: