Sunday, February 28, 2016

STOP THE VIOLENCE - Caskets Too Short, Too Soon, For All the Wrong Reasons

They are killing our future.
                          Under no circumstances should parents have to                           bury a child due to abuse, neglect or violence.

Under no circumstances should children be angry and Godless.
Under no circumstances should children and irresponsible people
be in possession of guns or any other weapons of destruction.

Under no circumstances should we be afraid to trust the police and policymakers.

Under no circumstances should our children, communities and families be at risk.
                                 Under no circumstances should citizens be                                    afraid to drive through certain neighborhoods.

Under no circumstances should children have  no safe place to play.

Under no circumstances should we be afraid of our youth.
Under no circumstances should we live in fear.
Under no circumstances should we lack brotherly or sisterly love.
Under no circumstances should we refuse to honor God.
Under no circumstances should there be hate.

Under no circumstances should we lack compassion.

God is love.
When we turn away from God, we turn away from love.
...for that reason we have violence, hate, hurt and destruction.

©Vanady A. Daniels